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We guide you through the sustainability, climate and ESG reporting processes, from materiality assessments, identification of sustainability risks and opportunities, climate scenario modelling, baseline setting, report generation, and more.

Stakeholder Engagement & Mapping

Our Stakeholder Engagement and Mapping Service offers comprehensive assistance in understanding and collaborating with diverse project or organisational stakeholders. We meticulously identify key stakeholders, analyse their interests, concerns, and influence, and craft tailored strategies to effectively engage and involve them. By mapping out relationships and priorities, we enhance communication, mitigate risks, and cultivate meaningful partnerships, ensuring successful outcomes and sustainable stakeholder relationships.

Materiality Assessments

Our Materiality Assessments evaluate and prioritise the most relevant sustainability issues for your organisation. Through analysis of ESG and sustainability factors, we identify key concerns that align with stakeholder expectations and industry standards. Utilising stakeholder engagement, data analytics, and benchmarking, we uncover critical areas for action, allowing you to focus resources effectively on initiatives that drive positive environmental and social impacts while enhancing long-term business resilience and reputation.

Setting an ESG Baseline

Our ESG Baselines provides a comprehensive analysis of your organisation's sustainability and ESG performance. Through detailed assessment and data analysis, we establish a clear baseline of your current ESG practices and performance across key metrics. By examining industry standards, regulatory requirements, and stakeholder expectations, we identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. This service empowers you to set meaningful ESG goals, track progress, and enhance transparency, ultimately fostering sustainability, resilience, and stakeholder trust.

ESG Strategy

Our ESG/Sustainability Strategy Service integrates materiality assessment findings, framework alignments, and baseline analyses to craft tailored sustainability strategies. We prioritize key issues identified through assessments, align with global frameworks like GRI, ISSB, TCFD, CSRD, WEF, UN SDGs, and leverage baseline data to set goals and action plans. Through stakeholder engagement, we ensure strategic coherence and drive value creation, fostering environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance practices for long-term resilience and growth.

ESG Reporting

Reporting on ESG has never been more important. Growing expectations from stakeholders and investors and potential mandates, means the time is now to get started. Transparently reporting on ESG not only provides potential opportunity for financial investment but also risk mitigation, carbon reduction opportunities and reputational development.

ESG Board Advisory

ESG risk is no longer an emerging risk, it is a fundamental issue that is here is to stay. An organisations commitment to ESG is realised through a key focus on resourcing for ESG initiatives and guiding the implementation of the ESG initiatives. Execution of these, forms an integral part of the Board’s oversight along with ESG risk identification. We can assist Boards with ESG strategy, risk, governance and ongoing development. 

Contact us today to discuss your current reporting needs.

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